
Hi! My name is Kat. I have a science background but I am currently a stay-at-home mum of three, two girls and a boy, all in primary school.

Even though I love being at home with them, I have found it at times very isolating. That was even more the case when they were young babies and toddlers. At these new and tiring times, I sought out the company of other parents with young children with which I shared my experiences and exchanged support. I attended baby and toddler groups and various baby classes, all in search of some adult company and some structure to my repetitive days.

Now that my children are a little older, things have settled down a bit. However, I do still find sometimes that it can be lonely and isolating being a stay-at-home parent as most parents work.

I decided to start The Social Parent Quiz to create an environment for parents of young children to meet through an activity focusing on them, for a change, not their child. It’s also a great space for stay-at-home parents to meet each other and create connections and friendships.

Quizzes are a fantastic way to break the ice between people. They are so much fun, they can be stimulating and they bring people together in a common goal.  Really, they are a form of play for adults! And we all need a bit of play and fun in our life.

I’m loving every minute of running The Social Parent Quiz. I hope you’ll love it too!